If you need any info of tourism in Chile, do not hesitate to ask =)
¿Cómo LLegar?
Desde Santiago por la Ruta 68, son 115 kms a Valparaíso, 120 kms a Viña del Mar y 134 kms a Concón.
How to come?
From Santiago for the Route 68, are 115 kms to Valparaiso, 120 kms to Viña del Mar and 134 kms to Concón.
Viña del Mar, es reconocida como la Capital Turística de Chile y como la “Ciudad Jardín” por estar rodeada de grandes áreas verdes.
Cuenta con 13 playas (aproximadamente 3,5 Kms.), siendo la más importante el sector de Reñaca, principal balneario de la ciudad, con vida propia y con todas las instalaciones e infraestructura para recibir a una gran cantidad de turistas.
Viña del Mar, is recognized as the Tourist Capital of Chile and as the " City Garden " for being surrounded with big green areas.
Possesses 13 beaches (approximately 3,5 Kms.), being more important Reñaca's sector, principal beach of the city, with all the facilities and infrastructure to receive great quantity of tourist.
The inhabitants of the interior of Chile, where is Santiago and other important cities, travel in any season to Viña del Mar, to have fun, to rest or escape of the summer heat or of the cold in winter.
Between the consequences of this particular climate there is the facility of adjustment of multiple, and sometimes delicate, floral and vegetable, native species or exotic. This way, Viña del Mar offers a beautiful spectacle for the variety, profusion and color of trees and flowers.